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Rubber Mulch
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Soft Landing Rubber Mulch FAQ's


Should I use some type of substrate under my playground?
Is SLRM toxic?
Does SLRM stay wet?
Does SLRM get hot?
What if SLRM gets thrown?
How should I install SLRM?
How is SLRM sold?
How long will the color on SLRM last?

Should I use some type of substrate under my playground?

YES! 75% of all injuries attributed to play systems are caused by falls. Most of these injuries could be easily prevented. Aside from protecting your children, using SLRM will make it easier and quicker to cut your grass, will protect your Play System from getting damaged by the lawn mower or grass trimmer and will eliminate muddy areas from developing in your Play System area. Critical Fall Test results are available at your retailer.


Is SLRM toxic?

NO! SLRM is non-toxic. MSD (Material Safety Data) sheets are available upon request at your retailer.


Does SLRM stay wet?

NO! SLRM does not absorb water and will not become compact so water drains through it. One of the best attributes of SLRM is that 15-30 minutes after it rains kids can go back outside and play without getting wet or dirty.


Does SLRM get hot?

Any type of surfacing product can become warm on very hot days. Since SLRM does not become compact, it has room for air to circulate. These pockets of air allow the heat to escape keeping the mulch much cooler than expected. Unlike a blacktop driveway that absorbs heat, it is our experience that SLRM can be played on throughout the summer.


What if SLRM gets thrown?

Unlike wood mulch and pea gravel, SLRM is highly unlikely to cause any type of injury if a child throws it at another child.


How should I install SLRM?

In most cases we recommend installing SLRM on top of your existing yard. Just put down a "typical" landscape fabric and spread the mulch over it. Unlike wood mulch products which are organic and decompose to create fertilizer, SLRM is inorganic and will naturally inhibit grass from growing once applied.


How is SLRM sold?

SLRM is sold in 40 lb. bags. This makes delivery or pick up very easy. Unlike bulk products, no special equipment is needed for transporting or spreading SLRM.


How long will the color on SLRM last?

Re-Tek has been coloring our mulch since 2004.  We feel our color process is superior to any other manufacturer.  With that said no colored rubber product will last indefinitely.  As children play on the mulch some color may chip off as the rubber but it is minimal and difficult to notice.  Colored mulch that is used for landscape purposes has very little color loss problem.


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